Sunday, November 15, 2009

What product can I use to get my natural hair color back?

African-ameraican. Want to go back to my natural hair color. Which is a dirty brown color????

What product can I use to get my natural hair color back?

Dawn dish soap. Wash and repeat... and repeat... and repeat... it will fade the color back to its natural color. Its the only way I know of to speed up a perm. color treatment. My friend was a plat. blonde (natural) and tried to go red, but it ended up turning purple. We had to wash it with Dawn Dish Soap ALL day to make it turn a a dirty blond color.

What product can I use to get my natural hair color back?

What did you use to dye it? If you used semi-permanent color you should be fine, it will wash out; if you used a permanent color you will have to either wait until it grows out or have a colorist get it back to brown.

What product can I use to get my natural hair color back?

if your hair has been lighten which i am assumingit has, don't get jet black. if your hair now has gold in it and you want that tone gone get dark ash brown. Clairol natural instincts is a good choice, it is gentle. Expect to have to apply one more time in a few weeks especially if your hair is dry and damage. hope this helps

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