i luv my natural hair black women ..am proud of u ..and believe me, u look more pretty than wearing some obviously fake a** extension.....
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
well i am east indian and i think black women look way better with their afros (no offense) it looks much healthier and better and cuter
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
i love black hair. i don't understand why there are people out there that don't. black hair is beautiful!!!! Report It
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
Peer group pressure to assimilate to the crowd. i.e. the lowest common denominator
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
Yeah! what's up with that my best friend has the most beautiful black long wavy hair down to her back and she's black and a very beatiful complection but recently she got a wild streak in her and she dyed it blonde and oh! my gosh it looks bad for her type of complexion but I would not want to hurt her feelings for nothing we been friends for over 6 years and I just could not hurt her feelings because she likes it for a change so if she likes it and is happy with it for a temporary change I guess I can get use to it also, it cost her almost $70.00 dollars, that's crazy.
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
I agree. I prefer my hair natural.
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
Relaxer or not. I'm still a BEAUTIFUL BLACK QUEEN and I love my hair and am VERY proud it. It blows in the wind and I keep it trimmed and neatly styled. I don't pay hundreds of dollars to keep my hair in check. I don't even think about it being natural or relaxed, I just love it. My hair grows fast, its full and it's down my back and it's ALL mine. No glue ins and no extensions. I've never had any complaints from any man that I've been with about how I choose to wear it. It's all a matter of choice. If a black woman wants to go natural, it's HER choice. Relaxer, HER choice. So for you to say we look "unpretty"-well that's merely your opinion. You say that you're proud of us? Well then respect the fact that we as black women make the choices that we make about our beauty and style and that you're proud of us no matter what.
Why are black women not proud of their natural hair? why do they pay to look unpretty?
I agree black women who know how to take care of their natura hair look ten times better than those with broken relaxers or fake weaves......
The Problem:
Most black women dont know how to propery take care of their kinky hair and they are tooo lazy or scared to find out. So they give the most popular excuse "I use relaxers because it makes my hair more manageable"...But being natural myself I can tell you its eaiser to be natural, with relaxers you really have to be on top of your hair because breakage is right outside the door trying to get in.
Natural Beautys:
To Texas::::
Here we go again with the whole "Choice"...Majority of black women dont use relaxers b/c of choice...they do it b/c that's what they've been TAUGHT by their mothers....Black women are the ONLY race that have relaxers marketed to our children...White ppl dont have little susie face over a bottle of bleach or curly perm, but why is it ok for black women?......Is it because we dont like our own hair?
Most black women would rather walk around with horrible looing broken relaxed hair than to try to go natural...Most black women think that natural hair is hard to deal with or men would find it unattractive.
Well it's not...our natural hair is different and needs to be handled differetly..but most dont know this b/c they've been using relaxers since they were young, so they NEVER got a chance to know to properly take care of their hair..Then when they grow up, and have girls they are not going to know what to do with the hair...so they give their girls relaxers and the cycle continues.
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